Viola maviensis

H.Mann (1867)

This name is accepted

Kingdom: Viridiplantae Phylum: Magnoliophyta Class/Clade: Eudicot-Rosids Order: Malpighiales Family: Violaceae Genus: Viola


Key Characters:

Growth Form: Dwarf subshrubs.

Stems: Stems nearly erect to ascending, 3–8 dm long, short internodes of leafy portions alternating with elongate internodes of rhizomatous portion, unbranched or branched from near base, also sometimes producing slender, short, stolon-like innovations, glabrous.

Roots: Rhizomatous.

Leaves: Leaves simple. Alternate, clustered on short, exposed stem portions, soft–coriaceous. Blades broadly ovate to ovate–suborbicular or rarely subcordate, 1.5–9 cm long, 1–2(–2.8) cm wide. Apex obtuse to bluntly acuminate. Base broadly cuneate or rarely subtruncate. Surfaces glabrous. Margins callose–serrate, the teeth slightly incurved. Petioles as long as or longer than blades, 0.8–6.5 cm long. Stipules thin, deltate–ovate to ovate, 5–12 mm long, margins fimbriate, the lateral teeth (1–)1.5–4 mm long, apical teeth usually longer.

Flowers: Flowers axillary, (1)2(–5) per peduncle, on peduncle-like scapes consisting of 1 to several leafless internodes, peduncles (25–)30–150(–250) mm long or perhaps even longer, pedicels subequal in a single inflorescence, (10–)15–55 mm long; bracteoles above middle. Flowers fragrant, apparently all chasmogamous, bisexual (perfect). Calyx of 5 sepals, subequal, narrowly deltate–lanceolate, imbricate, upper one 6–7 mm long, lateral ones ca. 5.3–8 mm long, lower ones ca. 5.5–7 mm long, glabrous, prolonged into appendages below the point of insertion, persistent. Corolla zygomorphic, consisting of 5 distinct petals, these unequal, lateral ones smaller than upper pair, petals dark violet with paler tinges to pale blue or rarely nearly white, upper ones 12–14 mm long, lateral ones ca. 13–15 mm long, lower one ca. 15–16 mm long. Stamens 5, 3.5–4 mm long, connective of lower ones prolonged into a rhombic structure 1.3–1.5 mm long, staminal filaments coherent around ovary; anther connective of lower Stamens prolonged into an appendage, dithecal, opening by longitudinal slits. Ovary superior, 3-carpellate, 1-celled; ovules numerous per placenta, placentation parietal, anatropous; style 1.

Fruit: Capsules with loculicidal dehiscence; 9–12 mm long; elastically dehiscent by rigid keels and thin valve walls. Seeds numerous; obovoid; ca. 1.8–2 mm long; ca. 1–1.2 mm in diameter; seed coat somewhat leathery; dull; apex rounded; with fleshy; oily endosperm.

Ploidy: 2n = 82; 85; 86

Habitat: Open bogs or rarely bog margins.

Elevation Range: 1,220–2,010 m.

Historical Distribution

Uses and Culture


Natural History

Statewide Status


Island Status

Molokai Endemic
Lana'i Only found in cultivation
Maui Endemic
Hawai'i Endemic

Dispersal Agents



Name Published In: Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 7: 150 (1867)

Other References

Wagner et al. 1990:1336 (Mo, M, H)


SNo. Scientific Name Scientific Name Authorship Locality Habitat Basis of Record Recorded By Record Number Island Source Date
1 Viola maviensis H.Mann south kohala dist; n of honokane nui stream Mostly in bogs but common in forest understory. Metrosideros-Cheirodendron montane wet forest & scattered Metrosideros-Machaerina montane wet bogs. Assoc. species: Viola maviensis, Lycopodium venustulum, Palhinhaea cernua, Myrsine sandwicensis & M. lessertiana, Vaccinium dentatum, Calamagrostis expansa. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN wood, k.r. collector number: 4741 Hawaii BISH 11/15/1995
2 Viola maviensis H.Mann west maui, top of mt. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN mann, h. brigham, w.t. collector number: 432 Maui BISH 1864-01-01
3 Viola maviensis H.Mann kipuka in 1880-1 flow below kipuka ahiu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 929.h Hawaii BISH 6/24/1915
4 Viola maviensis H.Mann along trail in forest at least 100' before pepeopae bog Seen only in and near bog. Grows with Viola robusta, V. x luciae, Oreobolus, Schizaea, Polypodium pellucidum, Elaphoglossum spp., Adenophorus, Carex alligata, in closed Metrosideros forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN davis, j. collector number: 820 Molokai BISH 5/27/1982
5 Viola maviensis H.Mann e of ukulele PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 862 m Maui BISH 7/20/1919
6 Viola maviensis H.Mann east maui Metrosideros, Styphelia, Dodonaea PRESERVED_SPECIMEN harrison, b. collector number: s.n. Molokai BISH 6/10/1973
7 Viola maviensis H.Mann hana district. hana forest reserve, headwaters of kawaipapa Machaerina-Rhynchospora-Racomitrium montane bog W/ Dicranopteris linearis, Lycopodiella cernua, Cheirodendron trigynum, Trematolobelia macrostachys, Vaccinium dentatum, Peperomia kipahuluensis, Metrosideros polymorphy, Viola maviensis, l PRESERVED_SPECIMEN wood, k.r. bustamente, k. collector number: 15605 Maui BISH
8 Viola maviensis H.Mann kohala mts PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 8385a Hawaii BISH 6/2/1910
9 Viola maviensis H.Mann n slope of haleakala, bog below waiauapauopa PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 1196.m Maui BISH 8/20/1919
10 Viola maviensis H.Mann w maui, puu kukui Open bog PRESERVED_SPECIMEN wilbur, r.l. webster, g.l. collector number: 833 Maui BISH 6/26/1948
11 Viola maviensis H.Mann kalaupapa; puu alii, sw section small bog, open 1-2 m stunted Metrosideros PRESERVED_SPECIMEN wood, k.r. collector number: 11252 Molokai BISH 4/26/2005
12 Viola maviensis H.Mann w maui, puu kukui Open bogs PRESERVED_SPECIMEN ewart iii, g.r. collector number: 139 Maui BISH 12/18/1928
13 Viola maviensis H.Mann pelekunu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN munro, g.c. collector number: mo 388 Molokai BISH 6/5/1916
14 Viola maviensis H.Mann west maui, top of mt. slopes PRESERVED_SPECIMEN mann, h. brigham, w.t. collector number: 432 Maui BISH 1864-01-01
15 Viola maviensis H.Mann kawela, waikolu valley ridge betw hanalilolilo & pepeopae Open bog, betw low bushes PRESERVED_SPECIMEN st.john, h. baker, r.j.; coulter, j.w.; fosberg, f.r.; yuncker, t.g. collector number: 12552 Molokai BISH 12/25/1932
16 Viola maviensis H.Mann w maui panaewa section of n.a.r. survey, along transect 8 In Metrosideros montane wet bog with Lagenifera, Oreobolus, Styphelia, Lobelia gloria-montis, Rhynchospora, Deschampsia, Dubautia, Argyroxiphium grayanum, Geranium, Sanicula, Viola PRESERVED_SPECIMEN perlman, s.p. hobdy, b.; bruegmann, m. collector number: 10583 Maui BISH 4/8/1988
17 Viola maviensis H.Mann wai anapanapa, haleakala kipahulu-kuhiwa divide In open bog on divide PRESERVED_SPECIMEN st.john, h. mitchell, a.l. collector number: 21035 Maui BISH 8/16/1945
18 Viola maviensis H.Mann Along trail in forest at least 100' before Pepeopae Bog Seen only in and near bog. Grows with Viola robusta, V. x luciae, Oreobolus, Schizaea, Polypodium pellucidum, Elaphoglossum spp., Adenophorus, Carex alligata, in closed Metrosideros forest. PreservedSpecimen Davis, J. Collector Number: 820 Molokai BISH Specimen 5/27/1982
19 Viola maviensis H.Mann w maui, puu kukui Open bogs PRESERVED_SPECIMEN bryan jr., e.h. collector number: 633 Maui BISH 12/18/1928
20 Viola maviensis H.Mann lanaihale PRESERVED_SPECIMEN munro, g.c. collector number: 542 Lanai BISH 1/1/1930
21 Viola maviensis H.Mann on slopes of "waihoi crater" above the valley Among scrub ohia, Lycopodium, uluhe, & Labordia PRESERVED_SPECIMEN harrison, b. collector number: 570 Maui BISH 3/17/1974
22 Viola maviensis H.Mann w maui, puu kukui Leaves at surface of moss in bog PRESERVED_SPECIMEN st.john, h. collector number: 10256 Maui BISH 2/7/1930
23 Viola maviensis H.Mann kawela swamp PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 197 mo Molokai BISH 7/1/1912
24 Viola maviensis H.Mann E Moloka`i Pepeopae Bog to edge of Pelekunu Valley PreservedSpecimen Herbst, D.R. Collector Number: 2961 Molokai BISH Specimen 4/4/1973
25 Viola maviensis H.Mann east maui, hana district, hana forest reserve On trunk of Metrosideros with mosses & liverworts. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN harrison, b. collector number: 391 Maui BISH 8/6/1973
26 Viola maviensis H.Mann w maui, puu kukui At edge of upper dry forest and pasture. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN lydgate, j.m. collector number: s.n. Maui BISH
27 Viola maviensis H.Mann Along trail in forest at least 100' before Pepeopae Bog Seen only in and near bog. Grows with Viola robusta, V. x luciae, Oreobolus, Schizaea, Polypodium pellucidum, Elaphoglossum spp., Adenophorus, Carex alligata, in closed Metrosideros forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Davis, J. Collector Number: 820 Molokai BISH 5/27/1982
28 Viola maviensis H.Mann several miles above kipuka ahiu, left hand side of 1880-81 flow PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 925.h Hawaii BISH 6/23/1915
29 Viola maviensis H.Mann kohala mts, puu o umi n.a.r., transect 20 750 m in forest near Stenogyne cranwelliae & Viola, Sphagnum & Metrosideros-Cheirodendron montane wet shrubland w/Vaccinium, Myrsine, Trematolobelia grandifolia, Styphelia, Sadleria, Ilex, Melicope clusiifolia, Lycopodium, Peperomia, Coprosma, Dubautia, Cibotium. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN perlman, s.p. gooding, j. collector number: 15085 Hawaii BISH 10/12/1995
30 Viola maviensis H.Mann east maui, hana district ne slope of haleakala, 0.5 mi past lake waianapanapa, tr 10 (17) In small bog. Wet ohia forest with other native trees & a treefern & native shrub understory PRESERVED_SPECIMEN higashino, p.k. holt, r.a. collector number: pkh 9292 Maui BISH 6/28/1980
31 Viola maviensis H.Mann kaela, waiapai swamp 1\2 mi ssw of puu alii Open bog with Oreobolus & Panicum imbricatum PRESERVED_SPECIMEN st.john, h. collector number: 19926 Molokai BISH 12/31/1938
32 Viola maviensis H.Mann pepeopae bog In thick wet moss of bog PRESERVED_SPECIMEN degener, o. wiebke, h. collector number: 3353 Molokai BISH 5/3/1928
33 Viola maviensis H.Mann central molokai Open bog PRESERVED_SPECIMEN hitchcock, a.s. collector number: 15179 Molokai BISH 10/13/1916
34 Viola maviensis H.Mann w maui, puu kukui Open bog PRESERVED_SPECIMEN st.john, h. collector number: 10250 Maui BISH 2/7/1930
35 Viola maviensis H.Mann PRESERVED_SPECIMEN o. degener 3350 MPM 5/8/1928
36 Viola maviensis H.Mann w maui, puu kukui Windblown summit of pass between Punaluu and Kaluanui, PRESERVED_SPECIMEN hitchcock, a.s. collector number: 14826 Oahu BISH 9/14/1916
37 Viola maviensis H.Mann pepeopae bog along edge of bog In tussocks of liverworts under Coprosma, Metrosideros, & Broussaisia PRESERVED_SPECIMEN gagné, b.h. collector number: s.n. Molokai BISH 1/7/1981
38 Viola maviensis H.Mann PRESERVED_SPECIMEN h. mann jr. 432 NY
39 Viola maviensis H.Mann puu alii nar, small bog in southwestern section of reserve wooded gulch PRESERVED_SPECIMEN wood, k.r. espaniola, j. collector number: 11252 Maui BISH 4/26/2005
40 Viola maviensis H.Mann w maui, lahaina district, honokowai ahu, tr 36(14) along puu kukui trail Wet open bog with scattered native shrubs. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN warshauer, f.r. mceldowney, p.h. collector number: frw 3050 Maui BISH 8/15/1980
41 Viola maviensis H.Mann Kamakou Preserve, Pepeopae Bog. Along boardwalk in ecotone between swamp forest and bog. Growing from moss under canopy of Metrosideros polymorpha. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Havran, J.C. Sack, L. Collector Number: 2001 Molokai BISH 7/1/2007
42 Viola maviensis H.Mann pepeopae bog PRESERVED_SPECIMEN cranwell, l.m. selling, o.; skottsberg, c. collector number: 2505 Molokai BISH 7/6/1938
43 Viola maviensis H.Mann betw hanalilolilo & pepeopae PRESERVED_SPECIMEN krajina, v.j. lamoureux, c.h. collector number: 620611014 Molokai BISH 6/11/1962
44 Viola maviensis H.Mann east molokai pepeopae bog to edge of pelekunu valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN herbst, d.r. collector number: 2961 Molokai BISH 4/4/1973
45 Viola maviensis H.Mann Maui PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Mann, H. & W. T. Brigham (Coll. De Candolle) G
46 Viola maviensis H.Mann east maui, hana district, ne slope of haleakala, hana forest reserve, tr 11(12) Pubescent ohia dieback. Soil an extremely shallow & excessively drained organics over an a`a flow. Primary vegetation: Metrosideros polymorpha (pubescent), Ilex anomala, Myrsine lessertiana, M. sandwicensis & Cheirodendron trigynum. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN warshauer, f.r. mceldowney, p.h. collector number: frw 2905 Hawaii BISH 7/27/1980
47 Viola maviensis H.Mann honokahau drainage basin PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 380 m Maui BISH 9/25/1917
48 Viola maviensis H.Mann kawela swamp Decadent, dryish forest with deer browse line. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 6106 Lanai BISH 3/1/1910
49 Viola maviensis H.Mann east maui, hana district ne slope of haleakala, puu along e kalapawili ridge, tr 11(10) Wet open bog with scattered native shrubs PRESERVED_SPECIMEN higashino, p.k. holt, r.a. collector number: pkh 9308 Maui BISH 6/29/1980
50 Viola maviensis H.Mann s kohala district, puu kapu ahu tr 79(30/31), kohala mts, 0.5 km nw of puu opaeloa, 0.7 km nw of kawainui str alpine scrub on lava slopes, with Sophora chrysophylla, Geranium tridens, Styphelia tameiameiae, Vaccinium, Dodonaea eriocarpa, Silene struthioloides, Tetramolopium humile PRESERVED_SPECIMEN jacobi, j.d. higashino, p.k. collector number: jdj 1362 Maui BISH 8/1/1979
51 Viola maviensis H.Mann w. maui, puu kukui summit PRESERVED_SPECIMEN k. r. wood 13145 CHRB 7/9/2008
52 Viola maviensis H.Mann Maui PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Mann, H. & W. T. Brigham (Coll. Boissier) G
53 Viola maviensis H.Mann top of mountain of west maui PRESERVED_SPECIMEN h. mann & w. t. brigham 432 ILL
54 Viola maviensis H.Mann kohala mountains PRESERVED_SPECIMEN joseph f. rock 8385 MICH 6/21/1910
55 Viola maviensis H.Mann kohala mts. On bare slope PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f. 8385 NY 6/21/1910
56 Viola maviensis H.Mann kohala mts. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN j. f. rock rock 8385 MO 6/21/1910
57 Viola maviensis H.Mann W. Maui, Puu Kukui summit. Bogs dominated by Metrosideros-Oreobolus-Rhynchospora adjacent to Metrosideros-Cheirodendron mixed riparian forest w/ undisturbed groundcover of mosses, ferns & herbs. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 13145 Maui PTBG 7/9/2008
58 Viola maviensis H.Mann W. Maui N.A.R. Survey, Panaewa Section, along transect 8. In Metrosideros montane wet bog. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Steve Perlman 10583 Maui PTBG 4/8/1988
59 Viola maviensis H.Mann East Molokai, Pepeopae Bog to edge of Pelekunu Valley. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Derral Herbst 2961 Molokai PTBG 4/4/1973
60 Viola maviensis H.Mann E. Maui. Hanawi Natural Area Reserve, Hanawi drainage basin, west fork. On mossy stream bank along both sides of intermittent headwaters. Riparian zone velow Subalpine shrubland/montane mesic forest ecotone. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hank Oppenheimer H101110 Maui PTBG 10/13/2011
61 Viola maviensis H.Mann Kohala Mts., Puu o Umi N.A.R.,Transect 20, 750 meters in. Forest near Stenogyne cramwelliae and Viola, sphagnum and Metrosideros-Cheirodendron montane wet shrubland. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Steve Perlman 15085 Hawaii PTBG 10/12/1995
62 Viola maviensis H.Mann W. Maui, Kahakuloa NAR, north of Eke crater, east of Honokohau, wind swept ridge and steep slopes. Open bog community of Metrosideros polymorpha and Machaerina angustifolia and low canopy Metrosideros wet forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 14760 Maui PTBG 9/1/2011
63 Viola maviensis H.Mann W. Maui: Lihau; 30 deg NE aspect rappel. Regional elev. 4000-4150 ft. Metrosideros wind- swept montane wet shrubland. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 5989 Maui PTBG 2/7/1997
64 Viola maviensis H.Mann Puu Alii NAR, small bog in southwestern section of reserve. Bog. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 11252 Molokai PTBG 4/26/2005
65 Viola maviensis H.Mann MAUI: W. Maui, Pu'ukukui. Regional elev. 5500-5790 ft. Metrosideros-Cheirodendron Montane Wet Forest w/ scattered bogs along ridges & riparian communities in cool side drainages. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 5197 Maui PTBG 5/1/1996
66 Viola maviensis H.Mann W. Maui: Kahoolewa Ridge, gulch East of "East Bog", East of Puu Kukui, above Waihee Valleys. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Steve Perlman 15802 Maui PTBG 4/12/1997
67 Viola maviensis H.Mann Puu Kukui, Bogs to North of Puu Kukui Tr. Metrosideros-Oreobolus-Rhyncospora bog. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Steve Perlman 15363 Maui PTBG 5/1/1996
68 Viola maviensis H.Mann East Maui, Olinda Rare Plant Facility. Cultivated. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hank Oppenheimer H51204 Maui PTBG 5/22/2012
69 Viola maviensis H.Mann Hana Forest Reserve, headwaters of Kawaipapa Machaerina-Rhynchospora-Racomitrium montane bog PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 15605 Maui PTBG 8/19/2013
70 Viola maviensis H.Mann E. Maui, Hanawi Natural Area Reserve, Hanawi drainage basin, West fork. On top of small cliffs on East side of along intermittent headwaters. Tall, closed canopy Metrosideros montane mesic forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hank Oppenheimer H101112 Maui PTBG 10/13/2011
71 Viola maviensis H.Mann N. of Honokane Nui Stream. Approximate elev. 4100-4400 ft. Metrosideros-Cheirodendron Montane Wet Forest & Scattered Metrosideros-Machaerina Montane Wet Bogs. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 4741 Hawaii PTBG 11/15/1995
72 Viola maviensis H.Mann North of Honokane Nui Stream. Metrosideros polymorpha var. incana-Machaerina angustifolia Montane Bogs w/ Rhynchospora chinensis, Styphelia, Vaccinium, Viola maviensis, Dicanthelium spp, & Oreobollis...bogs bordered by Metrosideros-Cheirodendron Montane Wet Forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 4732 Hawaii PTBG 11/15/1995
73 Viola maviensis H.Mann Honokohau Bog also known as East Bog, off Kahoolewa Ridge, transect 3. In Metrosideros mixed montane wet bog. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Steve Perlman 10748 Maui PTBG 10/3/1989
74 Viola maviensis H.Mann W. Maui N.A.R. survey, Honokowai section, Supplemental station B, below Violet Lake, along Puu Kukui Trail. Metrosideros polymorpha-Oreobolus montane wet bog. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Steve Perlman 10584 Maui PTBG 4/12/1988
75 Viola maviensis H.Mann W. Maui: Kahoolewa Ridge, gulch East of "East Bog", East of Puu Kukui, above Waihee valleys. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Steve Perlman 15801 Maui PTBG 4/12/1997
76 Viola maviensis H.Mann East Maui, Hana Forest Reserve. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hank Oppenheimer H71912 Maui PTBG 7/23/2019
77 Viola maviensis H.Mann kawela swamp PRESERVED_SPECIMEN c. n. forbes Molokai US
78 Viola maviensis H.Mann molokai Is., between hanalilolilo and pepeopae PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Vladimir J. Krajina, Charles Lamoureux 620611014 UBC 6/11/1962
79 Viola maviensis H.Mann west maui, `eke bog PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Maui US
80 Viola maviensis H.Mann Heights of Kamalo PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Whitney, L. D. 4462 Molokai US 10/6/1936
81 Viola maviensis H.Mann puu kukui PRESERVED_SPECIMEN h. st. john 10250 Maui US 2/7/1930
82 Viola maviensis H.Mann kohala mountains. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN j. f. rock 8385 Maui US 6/21/1910
83 Viola maviensis H.Mann west maui, kaho`olewa ridge, gulch east of "east bog", east of pu`u kukui, above waihee valleys PRESERVED_SPECIMEN s. p. perlman & k. wood 15801 Maui US 4/12/1997
84 Viola maviensis H.Mann Puu Alii NAR, small bog in southwestern section of reserve PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Wood, K. R.; Espaniola, J. 11252 Molokai US 4/26/2005
85 Viola maviensis H.Mann Pepeopae bog PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Degener, O.; Wiebke, H. 3350 Molokai US 5/8/2028
86 Viola maviensis H.Mann pepe`opae bog PRESERVED_SPECIMEN g. hughes 426 Molokai US 10/27/1992
87 Viola maviensis H.Mann puu kukui-w maui, bog near summit PRESERVED_SPECIMEN a. s. hitchcock 14826 Maui US 9/24/1916
88 Viola maviensis H.Mann molokai is., between hanalilolilo and pepeopae. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN v. krajina & c. lamoureux 620611014 US 6/11/1962
89 Viola maviensis H.Mann pepeopae bog PRESERVED_SPECIMEN o. degener & h. wiebke 3353 Hawaii US 5/3/1928
90 Viola maviensis H.Mann Kohala Mts. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J. F. 8385 Maui US 6/21/2010
91 Viola maviensis H.Mann Several miles above Kipuka Ahiu, left hand side of 1880-81 flow. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C. N. 925.H Hawaii US 6/23/2015
92 Viola maviensis H.Mann puu alii nar, small bog in southwestern section of reserve PRESERVED_SPECIMEN k. r. wood & j. espaniola 11252 Molokai US 4/26/2005
93 Viola maviensis H.Mann Mt. Eke, W Maui; S of summit PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Degener, O.; Wiebke, H. 3222 Maui US 8/30/2027
94 Viola maviensis H.Mann honokohau bog also known as east bog, off kahoolewa ridge, transect 3 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN s. p. perlman, s. gon, p. higashino & r. bartlett 10748 Maui US 10/3/1989
95 Viola maviensis H.Mann on slopes of waihoi crater above the valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN b. harrison 570 Oahu US 3/17/1974
96 Viola maviensis H.Mann mt. eke, w maui; s of summit PRESERVED_SPECIMEN o. degener & h. wiebke 3222 Maui US 8/30/1927
97 Viola maviensis H.Mann bogs e of ukulele. haleakala PRESERVED_SPECIMEN c. n. forbes 822.m. Maui US
98 Viola maviensis H.Mann South Kohala Dist; N of Honokane Nui Stream. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Wood, K. R. 4741 Hawaii US 11/15/1995
99 Viola maviensis H.Mann on puu kukui, w maui PRESERVED_SPECIMEN t. g. yuncker 3486 Maui US 3/4/1933
100 Viola maviensis H.Mann kaeanae gap (halehaku) crater of haleakala Wet forest, tree 8 m x 2 dm. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN c. n. forbes 1026.m. Molokai US 8/3/1919
101 Viola maviensis H.Mann Puu Alii NAR, small bog in southwestern section of reserve PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood & J. Espaniola 11252 Molokai US 4/26/2005
102 Viola maviensis H.Mann Mt. Eke, W Maui, between summit and bog to N PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Degener, O.; Wiebke, H. 3221 Maui US 8/30/2027
103 Viola maviensis H.Mann Pepeopae bog PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Degener, O.; Wiebke, H. 3353 Molokai US 5/3/2028
104 Viola maviensis H.Mann mt. eke, w maui, between summit and bog to n PRESERVED_SPECIMEN o. degener & h. wiebke 3221 Maui US 8/30/1927
105 Viola maviensis H.Mann kohala mts. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN j. f. rock 8385 Maui US 6/21/1910
106 Viola maviensis H.Mann Puu Kukui-W Maui, bog near summit PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hitchcock, A. S. 14826 Maui US 1916-00-00
107 Viola maviensis H.Mann pepeopae bog Parking area. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN davis, j. kores, p. collector number: 63 Kauai US 10/8/1978
108 Viola maviensis H.Mann n slope of haleakala. bog below waianapanapa PRESERVED_SPECIMEN c. n. forbes 1196.m. Maui US 8/20/1919
109 Viola maviensis H.Mann w maui n.a.r. survey, panaewa section, along transect 8 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN s. p. perlman, b. hobdy & m. bruegmann 10583 Maui US 4/8/1988
110 Viola maviensis H.Mann Puu Kukui, W Maui PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C. N. 56.M. Maui US 5/10/2020
111 Viola maviensis H.Mann south kohala dist; n of honokane nui stream. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN k. r. wood 4741 Hawaii US 11/15/1995
112 Viola maviensis H.Mann Pepe`opae Bog PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hughes, G. 426 Molokai US 1992-00-00
113 Viola maviensis H.Mann Central PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hitchcock, A. S. 15179 Molokai US 10/13/2016
114 Viola maviensis H.Mann On Puu Kukui, W Maui PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Yuncker, T. G. 3486 Maui US 1933-00-00
115 Viola maviensis H.Mann puu kukui, w maui PRESERVED_SPECIMEN c. n. forbes 56.m. Maui US
116 Viola maviensis H.Mann Honokohau Bog also known as East Bog, off Kahoolewa Ridge, transect 3 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Perlman, S. P.; Gon, S.; Higashino, P.; Bartlett, R. 10748 Maui US 10/3/1989
117 Viola maviensis H.Mann Kawela swamp PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C. N. 197.Mo. Molokai US 7/12/2020
118 Viola maviensis H.Mann Kohala Mountains. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J. F. 8385 Maui US 6/21/2010
119 Viola maviensis H.Mann pepeopae bog PRESERVED_SPECIMEN o. degener & h. wiebke 3350 Maui US 5/8/1928
120 Viola maviensis H.Mann top of mountain of w maui. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN h. mann & w. t. brigham 432 Oahu US
121 Viola maviensis H.Mann West Maui, Kaho`olewa Ridge, gulch east of "East Bog", east of Pu`u Kukui, above Waihee valleys PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Perlman, S. P.; Wood, K. 15801 Maui US 4/12/1997
122 Viola maviensis H.Mann heights of kamalo PRESERVED_SPECIMEN l. whitney 4462 Molokai US 10/6/1936
123 Viola maviensis H.Mann Puu Kukui PRESERVED_SPECIMEN St. John, H. 10250 Maui US 2/7/1930
124 Viola maviensis H.Mann central PRESERVED_SPECIMEN a. s. hitchcock 15179 Molokai US 10/13/1916
125 Viola maviensis H.Mann Bogs E of Ukulele. Haleakala PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C. N. 822.M. Maui US 7/19/2020
126 Viola maviensis H.Mann W Maui N.A.R. Survey, Panaewa Section, along transect 8 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Perlman, S. P.; Hobdy, B.; Bruegmann, M. 10583 Maui US 4/8/1988
127 Viola maviensis H.Mann N slope of Haleakala. Bog below Waianapanapa PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C. N. 1196.M. Maui US 8/20/2019
128 Viola maviensis H.Mann several miles above kipuka ahiu, left hand side of 1880-81 flow. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN c. n. forbes 925.h Hawaii US 6/23/1915
129 Viola maviensis H.Mann E. Maui, Hanawi; above State Camp; East fence, Heleleikeoha headwaters. Regional elev. ca 5300-6000 ft. Metrosideros-Cheirodendron montane wet forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 6816 Maui PTBG 10/5/1997
130 Viola maviensis H.Mann east molokai hanalilolilo bog Cordyline, Aleurites, Pisonia, Psidium, Christella, Rubus PRESERVED_SPECIMEN pratt, t.k. collector number: 81 Kauai BISH 1/9/1972
131 Viola maviensis H.Mann upper forest Open bog PRESERVED_SPECIMEN munro, g.c. collector number: 578 Molokai BISH 6/5/1916
132 Viola maviensis H.Mann w maui, puu kukui PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 56 m Oahu BISH 5/1/1910
133 Viola maviensis H.Mann bog on heights of kamalo PRESERVED_SPECIMEN whitney, l.d. collector number: 4462 Molokai BISH 10/6/1936
134 Viola maviensis H.Mann pepeopae bog barren PRESERVED_SPECIMEN cranwell, l.m. collector number: 3409 Maui BISH 9/9/1938
135 Viola maviensis H.Mann kalawao district, kawela ahu pepeopae bog Wet open bog, with scattered native shrubs, in full sun PRESERVED_SPECIMEN jacobi, j.d. collector number: jdj 1414 Molokai BISH 6/22/1979
136 Viola maviensis H.Mann n slope of haleakala edge of kipahulu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 1165 m Maui BISH 8/17/1919
137 Viola maviensis H.Mann On slopes of Waihoi Crater Above the valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Harrison, B. 570 Maui US 3/17/1974
138 Viola maviensis H.Mann On and near the summit; On tree trunks PRESERVED_SPECIMEN h. mann, w. t. brigham 432 YPM
139 Viola maviensis H.Mann Molokai Is., between Hanalilolilo and Pepeopae. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Krajina, V. J.; Lamoureux, C. 620611014 US 6/11/1962
140 Viola maviensis H.Mann east maui, hana forest reserve On trunk of Metrosideros with mosses & liverworts PRESERVED_SPECIMEN harrison, b. collector number: 244 Maui BISH 6/29/1973
141 Viola maviensis H.Mann w maui, puu kukui PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 8148 Maui BISH 8/21/1910
142 Viola maviensis H.Mann Kaeanae Gap (Halehaku) Crater of Haleakala PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C. N. 1026.M. Maui US 8/3/2019
143 Viola maviensis H.Mann kohala mts PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 8385 WTU 6/21/1910
144 Viola maviensis H.Mann w maui mtns, violet lake PRESERVED_SPECIMEN fleming, w. collector number: s.n. Maui BISH 5/3/1959
145 Viola maviensis H.Mann east maui, haleakala, bogs of ukulele PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 822 m Maui BISH 7/17/1919
146 Viola maviensis H.Mann kamakou preserve, pepeopae bog. Parasitic on Bobea elatior. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN havran, j.c. sack, l. collector number: 2001 Oahu BISH 7/1/2007
147 Viola maviensis H.Mann south kohala dist; n of honokane nui stream Mostly in bogs but common in forest understory. Metrosideros-Cheirodendron montane wet forest & scattered Metrosideros-Machaerina montane wet bogs. Assoc. species: Viola maviensis, Lycopodium venustulum, Palhinhaea cernua, Myrsine sandwicensis & M. lessertiana, Vaccinium dentatum, Calamagrostis expansa. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN wood, k.r. collector number: 4741 Hawaii BISH 11/15/1995
148 Viola maviensis H.Mann west maui, top of mt. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN mann, h. brigham, w.t. collector number: 432 Maui BISH 1864-01-01
149 Viola maviensis H.Mann kipuka in 1880-1 flow below kipuka ahiu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 929.h Hawaii BISH 6/24/1915
150 Viola maviensis H.Mann along trail in forest at least 100' before pepeopae bog Seen only in and near bog. Grows with Viola robusta, V. x luciae, Oreobolus, Schizaea, Polypodium pellucidum, Elaphoglossum spp., Adenophorus, Carex alligata, in closed Metrosideros forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN davis, j. collector number: 820 Molokai BISH 5/27/1982
151 Viola maviensis H.Mann e of ukulele PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 862 m Maui BISH 7/20/1919
152 Viola maviensis H.Mann east maui Metrosideros, Styphelia, Dodonaea PRESERVED_SPECIMEN harrison, b. collector number: s.n. Molokai BISH 6/10/1973
153 Viola maviensis H.Mann hana district. hana forest reserve, headwaters of kawaipapa Machaerina-Rhynchospora-Racomitrium montane bog W/ Dicranopteris linearis, Lycopodiella cernua, Cheirodendron trigynum, Trematolobelia macrostachys, Vaccinium dentatum, Peperomia kipahuluensis, Metrosideros polymorphy, Viola maviensis, l PRESERVED_SPECIMEN wood, k.r. bustamente, k. collector number: 15605 Maui BISH
154 Viola maviensis H.Mann kohala mts PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 8385a Hawaii BISH 6/2/1910
155 Viola maviensis H.Mann n slope of haleakala, bog below waiauapauopa PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 1196.m Maui BISH 8/20/1919
156 Viola maviensis H.Mann w maui, puu kukui Open bog PRESERVED_SPECIMEN wilbur, r.l. webster, g.l. collector number: 833 Maui BISH 6/26/1948
157 Viola maviensis H.Mann kalaupapa; puu alii, sw section small bog, open 1-2 m stunted Metrosideros PRESERVED_SPECIMEN wood, k.r. collector number: 11252 Molokai BISH 4/26/2005
158 Viola maviensis H.Mann w maui, puu kukui Open bogs PRESERVED_SPECIMEN ewart iii, g.r. collector number: 139 Maui BISH 12/18/1928
159 Viola maviensis H.Mann pelekunu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN munro, g.c. collector number: mo 388 Molokai BISH 6/5/1916
160 Viola maviensis H.Mann west maui, top of mt. slopes PRESERVED_SPECIMEN mann, h. brigham, w.t. collector number: 432 Maui BISH 1864-01-01
161 Viola maviensis H.Mann kawela, waikolu valley ridge betw hanalilolilo & pepeopae Open bog, betw low bushes PRESERVED_SPECIMEN st.john, h. baker, r.j.; coulter, j.w.; fosberg, f.r.; yuncker, t.g. collector number: 12552 Molokai BISH 12/25/1932
162 Viola maviensis H.Mann w maui panaewa section of n.a.r. survey, along transect 8 In Metrosideros montane wet bog with Lagenifera, Oreobolus, Styphelia, Lobelia gloria-montis, Rhynchospora, Deschampsia, Dubautia, Argyroxiphium grayanum, Geranium, Sanicula, Viola PRESERVED_SPECIMEN perlman, s.p. hobdy, b.; bruegmann, m. collector number: 10583 Maui BISH 4/8/1988
163 Viola maviensis H.Mann wai anapanapa, haleakala kipahulu-kuhiwa divide In open bog on divide PRESERVED_SPECIMEN st.john, h. mitchell, a.l. collector number: 21035 Maui BISH 8/16/1945
164 Viola maviensis H.Mann Along trail in forest at least 100' before Pepeopae Bog Seen only in and near bog. Grows with Viola robusta, V. x luciae, Oreobolus, Schizaea, Polypodium pellucidum, Elaphoglossum spp., Adenophorus, Carex alligata, in closed Metrosideros forest. PreservedSpecimen Davis, J. Collector Number: 820 Molokai BISH Specimen 5/27/1982
165 Viola maviensis H.Mann w maui, puu kukui Open bogs PRESERVED_SPECIMEN bryan jr., e.h. collector number: 633 Maui BISH 12/18/1928
166 Viola maviensis H.Mann lanaihale PRESERVED_SPECIMEN munro, g.c. collector number: 542 Lanai BISH 1/1/1930
167 Viola maviensis H.Mann on slopes of "waihoi crater" above the valley Among scrub ohia, Lycopodium, uluhe, & Labordia PRESERVED_SPECIMEN harrison, b. collector number: 570 Maui BISH 3/17/1974
168 Viola maviensis H.Mann w maui, puu kukui Leaves at surface of moss in bog PRESERVED_SPECIMEN st.john, h. collector number: 10256 Maui BISH 2/7/1930
169 Viola maviensis H.Mann kawela swamp PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 197 mo Molokai BISH 7/1/1912
170 Viola maviensis H.Mann E Moloka`i Pepeopae Bog to edge of Pelekunu Valley PreservedSpecimen Herbst, D.R. Collector Number: 2961 Molokai BISH Specimen 4/4/1973
171 Viola maviensis H.Mann east maui, hana district, hana forest reserve On trunk of Metrosideros with mosses & liverworts. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN harrison, b. collector number: 391 Maui BISH 8/6/1973
172 Viola maviensis H.Mann w maui, puu kukui At edge of upper dry forest and pasture. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN lydgate, j.m. collector number: s.n. Maui BISH
173 Viola maviensis H.Mann Along trail in forest at least 100' before Pepeopae Bog Seen only in and near bog. Grows with Viola robusta, V. x luciae, Oreobolus, Schizaea, Polypodium pellucidum, Elaphoglossum spp., Adenophorus, Carex alligata, in closed Metrosideros forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Davis, J. Collector Number: 820 Molokai BISH 5/27/1982
174 Viola maviensis H.Mann several miles above kipuka ahiu, left hand side of 1880-81 flow PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 925.h Hawaii BISH 6/23/1915
175 Viola maviensis H.Mann kohala mts, puu o umi n.a.r., transect 20 750 m in forest near Stenogyne cranwelliae & Viola, Sphagnum & Metrosideros-Cheirodendron montane wet shrubland w/Vaccinium, Myrsine, Trematolobelia grandifolia, Styphelia, Sadleria, Ilex, Melicope clusiifolia, Lycopodium, Peperomia, Coprosma, Dubautia, Cibotium. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN perlman, s.p. gooding, j. collector number: 15085 Hawaii BISH 10/12/1995
176 Viola maviensis H.Mann east maui, hana district ne slope of haleakala, 0.5 mi past lake waianapanapa, tr 10 (17) In small bog. Wet ohia forest with other native trees & a treefern & native shrub understory PRESERVED_SPECIMEN higashino, p.k. holt, r.a. collector number: pkh 9292 Maui BISH 6/28/1980
177 Viola maviensis H.Mann kaela, waiapai swamp 1\2 mi ssw of puu alii Open bog with Oreobolus & Panicum imbricatum PRESERVED_SPECIMEN st.john, h. collector number: 19926 Molokai BISH 12/31/1938
178 Viola maviensis H.Mann pepeopae bog In thick wet moss of bog PRESERVED_SPECIMEN degener, o. wiebke, h. collector number: 3353 Molokai BISH 5/3/1928
179 Viola maviensis H.Mann central molokai Open bog PRESERVED_SPECIMEN hitchcock, a.s. collector number: 15179 Molokai BISH 10/13/1916
180 Viola maviensis H.Mann w maui, puu kukui Open bog PRESERVED_SPECIMEN st.john, h. collector number: 10250 Maui BISH 2/7/1930
181 Viola maviensis H.Mann PRESERVED_SPECIMEN o. degener 3350 MPM 5/8/1928
182 Viola maviensis H.Mann w maui, puu kukui Windblown summit of pass between Punaluu and Kaluanui, PRESERVED_SPECIMEN hitchcock, a.s. collector number: 14826 Oahu BISH 9/14/1916
183 Viola maviensis H.Mann pepeopae bog along edge of bog In tussocks of liverworts under Coprosma, Metrosideros, & Broussaisia PRESERVED_SPECIMEN gagné, b.h. collector number: s.n. Molokai BISH 1/7/1981
184 Viola maviensis H.Mann PRESERVED_SPECIMEN h. mann jr. 432 NY
185 Viola maviensis H.Mann puu alii nar, small bog in southwestern section of reserve wooded gulch PRESERVED_SPECIMEN wood, k.r. espaniola, j. collector number: 11252 Maui BISH 4/26/2005
186 Viola maviensis H.Mann w maui, lahaina district, honokowai ahu, tr 36(14) along puu kukui trail Wet open bog with scattered native shrubs. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN warshauer, f.r. mceldowney, p.h. collector number: frw 3050 Maui BISH 8/15/1980
187 Viola maviensis H.Mann Kamakou Preserve, Pepeopae Bog. Along boardwalk in ecotone between swamp forest and bog. Growing from moss under canopy of Metrosideros polymorpha. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Havran, J.C. Sack, L. Collector Number: 2001 Molokai BISH 7/1/2007
188 Viola maviensis H.Mann pepeopae bog PRESERVED_SPECIMEN cranwell, l.m. selling, o.; skottsberg, c. collector number: 2505 Molokai BISH 7/6/1938
189 Viola maviensis H.Mann betw hanalilolilo & pepeopae PRESERVED_SPECIMEN krajina, v.j. lamoureux, c.h. collector number: 620611014 Molokai BISH 6/11/1962
190 Viola maviensis H.Mann east molokai pepeopae bog to edge of pelekunu valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN herbst, d.r. collector number: 2961 Molokai BISH 4/4/1973
191 Viola maviensis H.Mann Maui PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Mann, H. & W. T. Brigham (Coll. De Candolle) G
192 Viola maviensis H.Mann east maui, hana district, ne slope of haleakala, hana forest reserve, tr 11(12) Pubescent ohia dieback. Soil an extremely shallow & excessively drained organics over an a`a flow. Primary vegetation: Metrosideros polymorpha (pubescent), Ilex anomala, Myrsine lessertiana, M. sandwicensis & Cheirodendron trigynum. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN warshauer, f.r. mceldowney, p.h. collector number: frw 2905 Hawaii BISH 7/27/1980
193 Viola maviensis H.Mann honokahau drainage basin PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 380 m Maui BISH 9/25/1917
194 Viola maviensis H.Mann kawela swamp Decadent, dryish forest with deer browse line. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 6106 Lanai BISH 3/1/1910
195 Viola maviensis H.Mann east maui, hana district ne slope of haleakala, puu along e kalapawili ridge, tr 11(10) Wet open bog with scattered native shrubs PRESERVED_SPECIMEN higashino, p.k. holt, r.a. collector number: pkh 9308 Maui BISH 6/29/1980
196 Viola maviensis H.Mann s kohala district, puu kapu ahu tr 79(30/31), kohala mts, 0.5 km nw of puu opaeloa, 0.7 km nw of kawainui str alpine scrub on lava slopes, with Sophora chrysophylla, Geranium tridens, Styphelia tameiameiae, Vaccinium, Dodonaea eriocarpa, Silene struthioloides, Tetramolopium humile PRESERVED_SPECIMEN jacobi, j.d. higashino, p.k. collector number: jdj 1362 Maui BISH 8/1/1979
197 Viola maviensis H.Mann w. maui, puu kukui summit PRESERVED_SPECIMEN k. r. wood 13145 CHRB 7/9/2008
198 Viola maviensis H.Mann Maui PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Mann, H. & W. T. Brigham (Coll. Boissier) G
199 Viola maviensis H.Mann top of mountain of west maui PRESERVED_SPECIMEN h. mann & w. t. brigham 432 ILL
200 Viola maviensis H.Mann kohala mountains PRESERVED_SPECIMEN joseph f. rock 8385 MICH 6/21/1910
201 Viola maviensis H.Mann kohala mts. On bare slope PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f. 8385 NY 6/21/1910
202 Viola maviensis H.Mann kohala mts. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN j. f. rock rock 8385 MO 6/21/1910
203 Viola maviensis H.Mann W. Maui, Puu Kukui summit. Bogs dominated by Metrosideros-Oreobolus-Rhynchospora adjacent to Metrosideros-Cheirodendron mixed riparian forest w/ undisturbed groundcover of mosses, ferns & herbs. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 13145 Maui PTBG 7/9/2008
204 Viola maviensis H.Mann W. Maui N.A.R. Survey, Panaewa Section, along transect 8. In Metrosideros montane wet bog. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Steve Perlman 10583 Maui PTBG 4/8/1988
205 Viola maviensis H.Mann East Molokai, Pepeopae Bog to edge of Pelekunu Valley. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Derral Herbst 2961 Molokai PTBG 4/4/1973
206 Viola maviensis H.Mann E. Maui. Hanawi Natural Area Reserve, Hanawi drainage basin, west fork. On mossy stream bank along both sides of intermittent headwaters. Riparian zone velow Subalpine shrubland/montane mesic forest ecotone. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hank Oppenheimer H101110 Maui PTBG 10/13/2011
207 Viola maviensis H.Mann Kohala Mts., Puu o Umi N.A.R.,Transect 20, 750 meters in. Forest near Stenogyne cramwelliae and Viola, sphagnum and Metrosideros-Cheirodendron montane wet shrubland. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Steve Perlman 15085 Hawaii PTBG 10/12/1995
208 Viola maviensis H.Mann W. Maui, Kahakuloa NAR, north of Eke crater, east of Honokohau, wind swept ridge and steep slopes. Open bog community of Metrosideros polymorpha and Machaerina angustifolia and low canopy Metrosideros wet forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 14760 Maui PTBG 9/1/2011
209 Viola maviensis H.Mann W. Maui: Lihau; 30 deg NE aspect rappel. Regional elev. 4000-4150 ft. Metrosideros wind- swept montane wet shrubland. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 5989 Maui PTBG 2/7/1997
210 Viola maviensis H.Mann Puu Alii NAR, small bog in southwestern section of reserve. Bog. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 11252 Molokai PTBG 4/26/2005
211 Viola maviensis H.Mann MAUI: W. Maui, Pu'ukukui. Regional elev. 5500-5790 ft. Metrosideros-Cheirodendron Montane Wet Forest w/ scattered bogs along ridges & riparian communities in cool side drainages. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 5197 Maui PTBG 5/1/1996
212 Viola maviensis H.Mann W. Maui: Kahoolewa Ridge, gulch East of "East Bog", East of Puu Kukui, above Waihee Valleys. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Steve Perlman 15802 Maui PTBG 4/12/1997
213 Viola maviensis H.Mann Puu Kukui, Bogs to North of Puu Kukui Tr. Metrosideros-Oreobolus-Rhyncospora bog. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Steve Perlman 15363 Maui PTBG 5/1/1996
214 Viola maviensis H.Mann East Maui, Olinda Rare Plant Facility. Cultivated. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hank Oppenheimer H51204 Maui PTBG 5/22/2012
215 Viola maviensis H.Mann Hana Forest Reserve, headwaters of Kawaipapa Machaerina-Rhynchospora-Racomitrium montane bog PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 15605 Maui PTBG 8/19/2013
216 Viola maviensis H.Mann E. Maui, Hanawi Natural Area Reserve, Hanawi drainage basin, West fork. On top of small cliffs on East side of along intermittent headwaters. Tall, closed canopy Metrosideros montane mesic forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hank Oppenheimer H101112 Maui PTBG 10/13/2011
217 Viola maviensis H.Mann N. of Honokane Nui Stream. Approximate elev. 4100-4400 ft. Metrosideros-Cheirodendron Montane Wet Forest & Scattered Metrosideros-Machaerina Montane Wet Bogs. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 4741 Hawaii PTBG 11/15/1995
218 Viola maviensis H.Mann North of Honokane Nui Stream. Metrosideros polymorpha var. incana-Machaerina angustifolia Montane Bogs w/ Rhynchospora chinensis, Styphelia, Vaccinium, Viola maviensis, Dicanthelium spp, & Oreobollis...bogs bordered by Metrosideros-Cheirodendron Montane Wet Forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 4732 Hawaii PTBG 11/15/1995
219 Viola maviensis H.Mann Honokohau Bog also known as East Bog, off Kahoolewa Ridge, transect 3. In Metrosideros mixed montane wet bog. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Steve Perlman 10748 Maui PTBG 10/3/1989
220 Viola maviensis H.Mann W. Maui N.A.R. survey, Honokowai section, Supplemental station B, below Violet Lake, along Puu Kukui Trail. Metrosideros polymorpha-Oreobolus montane wet bog. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Steve Perlman 10584 Maui PTBG 4/12/1988
221 Viola maviensis H.Mann W. Maui: Kahoolewa Ridge, gulch East of "East Bog", East of Puu Kukui, above Waihee valleys. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Steve Perlman 15801 Maui PTBG 4/12/1997
222 Viola maviensis H.Mann East Maui, Hana Forest Reserve. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hank Oppenheimer H71912 Maui PTBG 7/23/2019
223 Viola maviensis H.Mann kawela swamp PRESERVED_SPECIMEN c. n. forbes Molokai US
224 Viola maviensis H.Mann molokai Is., between hanalilolilo and pepeopae PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Vladimir J. Krajina, Charles Lamoureux 620611014 UBC 6/11/1962
225 Viola maviensis H.Mann west maui, `eke bog PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Maui US
226 Viola maviensis H.Mann Heights of Kamalo PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Whitney, L. D. 4462 Molokai US 10/6/1936
227 Viola maviensis H.Mann puu kukui PRESERVED_SPECIMEN h. st. john 10250 Maui US 2/7/1930
228 Viola maviensis H.Mann kohala mountains. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN j. f. rock 8385 Maui US 6/21/1910
229 Viola maviensis H.Mann west maui, kaho`olewa ridge, gulch east of "east bog", east of pu`u kukui, above waihee valleys PRESERVED_SPECIMEN s. p. perlman & k. wood 15801 Maui US 4/12/1997
230 Viola maviensis H.Mann Puu Alii NAR, small bog in southwestern section of reserve PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Wood, K. R.; Espaniola, J. 11252 Molokai US 4/26/2005
231 Viola maviensis H.Mann Pepeopae bog PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Degener, O.; Wiebke, H. 3350 Molokai US 5/8/2028
232 Viola maviensis H.Mann pepe`opae bog PRESERVED_SPECIMEN g. hughes 426 Molokai US 10/27/1992
233 Viola maviensis H.Mann puu kukui-w maui, bog near summit PRESERVED_SPECIMEN a. s. hitchcock 14826 Maui US 9/24/1916
234 Viola maviensis H.Mann molokai is., between hanalilolilo and pepeopae. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN v. krajina & c. lamoureux 620611014 US 6/11/1962
235 Viola maviensis H.Mann pepeopae bog PRESERVED_SPECIMEN o. degener & h. wiebke 3353 Hawaii US 5/3/1928
236 Viola maviensis H.Mann Kohala Mts. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J. F. 8385 Maui US 6/21/2010
237 Viola maviensis H.Mann Several miles above Kipuka Ahiu, left hand side of 1880-81 flow. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C. N. 925.H Hawaii US 6/23/2015
238 Viola maviensis H.Mann puu alii nar, small bog in southwestern section of reserve PRESERVED_SPECIMEN k. r. wood & j. espaniola 11252 Molokai US 4/26/2005
239 Viola maviensis H.Mann Mt. Eke, W Maui; S of summit PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Degener, O.; Wiebke, H. 3222 Maui US 8/30/2027
240 Viola maviensis H.Mann honokohau bog also known as east bog, off kahoolewa ridge, transect 3 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN s. p. perlman, s. gon, p. higashino & r. bartlett 10748 Maui US 10/3/1989
241 Viola maviensis H.Mann on slopes of waihoi crater above the valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN b. harrison 570 Oahu US 3/17/1974
242 Viola maviensis H.Mann mt. eke, w maui; s of summit PRESERVED_SPECIMEN o. degener & h. wiebke 3222 Maui US 8/30/1927
243 Viola maviensis H.Mann bogs e of ukulele. haleakala PRESERVED_SPECIMEN c. n. forbes 822.m. Maui US
244 Viola maviensis H.Mann South Kohala Dist; N of Honokane Nui Stream. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Wood, K. R. 4741 Hawaii US 11/15/1995
245 Viola maviensis H.Mann on puu kukui, w maui PRESERVED_SPECIMEN t. g. yuncker 3486 Maui US 3/4/1933
246 Viola maviensis H.Mann kaeanae gap (halehaku) crater of haleakala Wet forest, tree 8 m x 2 dm. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN c. n. forbes 1026.m. Molokai US 8/3/1919
247 Viola maviensis H.Mann Puu Alii NAR, small bog in southwestern section of reserve PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood & J. Espaniola 11252 Molokai US 4/26/2005
248 Viola maviensis H.Mann Mt. Eke, W Maui, between summit and bog to N PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Degener, O.; Wiebke, H. 3221 Maui US 8/30/2027
249 Viola maviensis H.Mann Pepeopae bog PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Degener, O.; Wiebke, H. 3353 Molokai US 5/3/2028
250 Viola maviensis H.Mann mt. eke, w maui, between summit and bog to n PRESERVED_SPECIMEN o. degener & h. wiebke 3221 Maui US 8/30/1927
251 Viola maviensis H.Mann kohala mts. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN j. f. rock 8385 Maui US 6/21/1910
252 Viola maviensis H.Mann Puu Kukui-W Maui, bog near summit PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hitchcock, A. S. 14826 Maui US 1916-00-00
253 Viola maviensis H.Mann pepeopae bog Parking area. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN davis, j. kores, p. collector number: 63 Kauai US 10/8/1978
254 Viola maviensis H.Mann n slope of haleakala. bog below waianapanapa PRESERVED_SPECIMEN c. n. forbes 1196.m. Maui US 8/20/1919
255 Viola maviensis H.Mann w maui n.a.r. survey, panaewa section, along transect 8 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN s. p. perlman, b. hobdy & m. bruegmann 10583 Maui US 4/8/1988
256 Viola maviensis H.Mann Puu Kukui, W Maui PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C. N. 56.M. Maui US 5/10/2020
257 Viola maviensis H.Mann south kohala dist; n of honokane nui stream. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN k. r. wood 4741 Hawaii US 11/15/1995
258 Viola maviensis H.Mann Pepe`opae Bog PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hughes, G. 426 Molokai US 1992-00-00
259 Viola maviensis H.Mann Central PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Hitchcock, A. S. 15179 Molokai US 10/13/2016
260 Viola maviensis H.Mann On Puu Kukui, W Maui PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Yuncker, T. G. 3486 Maui US 1933-00-00
261 Viola maviensis H.Mann puu kukui, w maui PRESERVED_SPECIMEN c. n. forbes 56.m. Maui US
262 Viola maviensis H.Mann Honokohau Bog also known as East Bog, off Kahoolewa Ridge, transect 3 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Perlman, S. P.; Gon, S.; Higashino, P.; Bartlett, R. 10748 Maui US 10/3/1989
263 Viola maviensis H.Mann Kawela swamp PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C. N. 197.Mo. Molokai US 7/12/2020
264 Viola maviensis H.Mann Kohala Mountains. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Rock, J. F. 8385 Maui US 6/21/2010
265 Viola maviensis H.Mann pepeopae bog PRESERVED_SPECIMEN o. degener & h. wiebke 3350 Maui US 5/8/1928
266 Viola maviensis H.Mann top of mountain of w maui. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN h. mann & w. t. brigham 432 Oahu US
267 Viola maviensis H.Mann West Maui, Kaho`olewa Ridge, gulch east of "East Bog", east of Pu`u Kukui, above Waihee valleys PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Perlman, S. P.; Wood, K. 15801 Maui US 4/12/1997
268 Viola maviensis H.Mann heights of kamalo PRESERVED_SPECIMEN l. whitney 4462 Molokai US 10/6/1936
269 Viola maviensis H.Mann Puu Kukui PRESERVED_SPECIMEN St. John, H. 10250 Maui US 2/7/1930
270 Viola maviensis H.Mann central PRESERVED_SPECIMEN a. s. hitchcock 15179 Molokai US 10/13/1916
271 Viola maviensis H.Mann Bogs E of Ukulele. Haleakala PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C. N. 822.M. Maui US 7/19/2020
272 Viola maviensis H.Mann W Maui N.A.R. Survey, Panaewa Section, along transect 8 PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Perlman, S. P.; Hobdy, B.; Bruegmann, M. 10583 Maui US 4/8/1988
273 Viola maviensis H.Mann N slope of Haleakala. Bog below Waianapanapa PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C. N. 1196.M. Maui US 8/20/2019
274 Viola maviensis H.Mann several miles above kipuka ahiu, left hand side of 1880-81 flow. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN c. n. forbes 925.h Hawaii US 6/23/1915
275 Viola maviensis H.Mann E. Maui, Hanawi; above State Camp; East fence, Heleleikeoha headwaters. Regional elev. ca 5300-6000 ft. Metrosideros-Cheirodendron montane wet forest. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN K. R. Wood 6816 Maui PTBG 10/5/1997
276 Viola maviensis H.Mann east molokai hanalilolilo bog Cordyline, Aleurites, Pisonia, Psidium, Christella, Rubus PRESERVED_SPECIMEN pratt, t.k. collector number: 81 Kauai BISH 1/9/1972
277 Viola maviensis H.Mann upper forest Open bog PRESERVED_SPECIMEN munro, g.c. collector number: 578 Molokai BISH 6/5/1916
278 Viola maviensis H.Mann w maui, puu kukui PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 56 m Oahu BISH 5/1/1910
279 Viola maviensis H.Mann bog on heights of kamalo PRESERVED_SPECIMEN whitney, l.d. collector number: 4462 Molokai BISH 10/6/1936
280 Viola maviensis H.Mann pepeopae bog barren PRESERVED_SPECIMEN cranwell, l.m. collector number: 3409 Maui BISH 9/9/1938
281 Viola maviensis H.Mann kalawao district, kawela ahu pepeopae bog Wet open bog, with scattered native shrubs, in full sun PRESERVED_SPECIMEN jacobi, j.d. collector number: jdj 1414 Molokai BISH 6/22/1979
282 Viola maviensis H.Mann n slope of haleakala edge of kipahulu PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 1165 m Maui BISH 8/17/1919
283 Viola maviensis H.Mann On slopes of Waihoi Crater Above the valley PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Harrison, B. 570 Maui US 3/17/1974
284 Viola maviensis H.Mann On and near the summit; On tree trunks PRESERVED_SPECIMEN h. mann, w. t. brigham 432 YPM
285 Viola maviensis H.Mann Molokai Is., between Hanalilolilo and Pepeopae. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Krajina, V. J.; Lamoureux, C. 620611014 US 6/11/1962
286 Viola maviensis H.Mann east maui, hana forest reserve On trunk of Metrosideros with mosses & liverworts PRESERVED_SPECIMEN harrison, b. collector number: 244 Maui BISH 6/29/1973
287 Viola maviensis H.Mann w maui, puu kukui PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 8148 Maui BISH 8/21/1910
288 Viola maviensis H.Mann Kaeanae Gap (Halehaku) Crater of Haleakala PRESERVED_SPECIMEN Forbes, C. N. 1026.M. Maui US 8/3/2019
289 Viola maviensis H.Mann kohala mts PRESERVED_SPECIMEN rock, j.f.c. collector number: 8385 WTU 6/21/1910
290 Viola maviensis H.Mann w maui mtns, violet lake PRESERVED_SPECIMEN fleming, w. collector number: s.n. Maui BISH 5/3/1959
291 Viola maviensis H.Mann east maui, haleakala, bogs of ukulele PRESERVED_SPECIMEN forbes, c.n. collector number: 822 m Maui BISH 7/17/1919
292 Viola maviensis H.Mann kamakou preserve, pepeopae bog. Parasitic on Bobea elatior. PRESERVED_SPECIMEN havran, j.c. sack, l. collector number: 2001 Oahu BISH 7/1/2007